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Faculty and Staff Kudos

Associate Professor Michael Dewally (Department of Finance) and Matteo Arena (Marquette University) had their paper: “Investment Bank Expertise in Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions” accepted at the Journal of Financial Research. The paper examines the influence of country expertise of investment banks in facilitating cross-border merger deals by analyzing a large international sample of merger and acquisition (M&A) deals. The authors provide evidence that the geographical proximity, cultural affinity, and local experience of investment banks advising bidding firms on cross-border M&A deals significantly increase the probability of completion of the deal, significantly decrease the time required to complete the deal, and significantly increase the operating performance of the acquiring firm after the deal. Our results are robust to firm, deal, country-specific factors, and indigeneity concerns.

A paper entitled “Lingua Anglia: Bridging Language and Learners”, written by College of Education, Elementary Education Professor Maria Perpetua Liwanag, Professor Prisca Martens, Associate Professor Raymond Martens, along with Speech-Pathology Assistant Professor Christina Pelatti,  has been published in the January 2017 issue of English Journal. You can read it here.
College of Education Assistant Professor Pamela Hickey is the column editor.

Jane Neapolitan (Office of Academic Innovation) delivered an invited presentation at the Faculty Institute at Notre Dame of Maryland University on January 19, 2017. In her presentation titled, “Online Learning as Opportunity to Learn,” she discussed best practices for increasing student engagement supported by faculty professional development and inter-departmental collaborations.”