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Free Webinar for Faculty on April 12 – Writing Science: How to Write Papers that Get Cited and Proposals that Get Funded

April 12, 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET – Free Webinar for Faculty – Writing Science: How to Write Papers that Get Cited and Proposals that Get Funded

This webinar as well as many other resources and tools are available through TU’s National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NFDD) membership. Activate your free institutional sub-account NCFDD membership several days in advance of the webinar to gain access to the webinar. When notified via e-mail that your account has been set up, simply register to participate in the webinar. Instructions for activating your NCFDD account are below:

  1. Visit www.FacultyDiversity.org/Towson
  2. After you have created a username and password, on the first page, enter your institution-issued e-mail address (i.e. @university.edu) to expedite the registration process.
  3. Complete the registration process.
  4. You will receive a welcome e-mail within 1-2 business days confirming that your account is active and that you can access the NCFDD resources.

Feedback from campus users that have taken advantage of NCFDD’s professional development resources has been very positive. If you are unable to participate in this webinar on the time and date noted above, you may gain access to the webinar at any time in the future through your NCFDD membership.

If you have questions regarding TU’s NCFDD membership, contact Debbie Seeberger, dseeberger@towson.edu, 4-2360.