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Faculty and Staff Kudos

COE Associate Professor Sarah Lohnes Watulak and COE Professor Barbara Laster published “Take 2: A Second Look at Technology Stalled: Exploring the New Digital Divide in One Urban School” in the Journal of Language and Literacy Education. The authors were invited to present an update to their original article, Technology Stalled, published in the same journal in 2011. The Take 2 article can be read online: http://jolle.coe.uga.edu/take-2/

David Wizer (Educational Technology and Literacy) and Jane Neapolitan (Office of Academic Innovation) held a poster session at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Conference held December 4-7, 2016, in Washington, DC. The poster session titled, “Towson University’s Universal Design for Learning Faculty Development Initiatives that Lead to Enhanced Teaching and Student Learning,” focused on the basic principles of UDL that address variability of student learning and how they are being applied in TU courses, such as TSEM; and in faculty development initiatives, such as the TU UDL-Professional Development Network sponsored by the Office of Academic Innovation.

Jonathan Vincent (Department of English) is the author of The Health of the State: Modern U.S. Political Imagination, 1890-1964 , just published by Oxford University Press.