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Faculty and Staff Kudos

Richard E. Vatz (Instructional Leadership and Professional Development) has published the lead article in the fall issue 2016 of First Amendment Studies, “The Academically Destructive Nature of Trigger Warnings.” Vatz also was the featured speaker on November 18, 2016 for  West Chester University’s University Address, sponsored by their Rhetoric Society of America.  His topic was “The 2016 ‘Agenda’ Presidential Election”. Vatz was also the featured speaker at a meeting of the Baltimore Chapter of Financial Executives International on September 21, 2016 wherein he spoke on “Presidential Campaign 2016: When Presidential Rhetoric Went Wacky”

Assistant Professor Pam Segal, Lecturer Jack Cole, Associate Professor Janese Daniels and Associate Professor Molly Mee (College of Education) received a $10,000 grant to support work with Kid Safe Zone in Baltimore City.  They are creating a library/literacy center in which students in the program will work to support literacy needs of low readers in the city. The grant was awarded by the T. Rowe Price Foundation with the help of the Development Department.

A book co-edited by Assistant Professor Marci Watson (College of Education) was published with Routledge. It’s a sociology book that examines African American families and the impact of education. The book is titled: Contemporary African American Families: Achievements, Challenges, and Empowerment Strategies in the Twenty-First Century.