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Multiculturalism in Action Brown Bag Series Continues This Week

Wednesday, December 7, 12:00 to 1:15pm, College of Liberal Arts building, room 3150

Erin L. Berry, Mass Communication ad Communication Studies

“#BlackGirlMagic #BlackGirlAuthenticity: Exploring the Digital Sociolinguistic Practices of Black Female Undergraduates”

Understanding online communication is especially important given the tumult facing Black and Brown beings today, which is often framed by the media in ways that criminalize Blackness. Because the digital landscape is a conduit for information that is always open for interpretation and dissection, it is important to have all voices at the table, and Black women’s lived experiences are in desperate need of exploration.  This project aims to analyze how Black female undergraduate students perceive and discuss the relationship between language, identity, and the use of social media.

This event is open to all faculty, staff, and students. Light refreshments will be provided.

The Multiculturalism in Action Brown Bag Series is a new brown bag series sponsored by the Office of the Provost’s Diversity Faculty Fellows Program. The brown bags will showcase diversity-related research and multicultural scholarly activities conducted by Towson University faculty. For additional information, contact Dr. Danice Brown at dlbrown@towson.edu.