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Nominate Staff for $2000 Award!

It’s time to nominate a staff member for the 2017 University System of Maryland Board of Regents Staff Awards!

The University System of Maryland Board of Regents Staff Awards are the highest honor bestowed upon non-exempt and exempt employees with at least 5 years of experience by the Council of University System Staff (CUSS). Each winner receives a $2,000 stipend.

Watch Chancellor Caret’s call for nominations! https://youtu.be/9cSak0a18Zk  

The TUSC Awards Committee is now accepting nominations in the following categories until December 9, 2016:  

Outstanding Service to Students in an Academic or Residential Environment

  • 2 Awards – Non-Exempt and Exempt Staff

Exceptional Contribution to the Institution and/or Unit to Which a Person Belongs

  • 2 Awards- Non-Exempt and Exempt Staff

Extraordinary Public Service to the University or Greater Community 

  • 2 Awards- Non-Exempt and Exempt Staff

Effectiveness and Efficiency (Administrative or Academic Transformation) 

  • 2 Awards – Non-Exempt or Exempt Staff


Nominating a deserving colleague is easy and FAST!

  1. Fill out the nomination form: www.towson.edu/about/administration/tusc/committees/awards.html
  2. Include a nomination cover sheet, nomination letter, position description, and one (1) letter of recommendation.
  3. Submit your nomination to your TU division vice president.

Applications should be submitted to the office of the vice president of your division for divisional approval (Academic Affairs, Administration and Finance, Advancement, Athletics, DIAR, Marketing and Communications, Student Affairs) and then forwarded to the Office of the President no later than 4 PM Friday, December 9, 2016.

PROCESS:  A maximum of 8 finalists (Exempt and Non-Exempt employees from each of the four categories above) from Towson University will be selected by the TUSC Awards committee to fully complete their final applications including supporting materials and additional recommendation letters by mid-December. In January, Towson’s eight finalists will then be forwarded to the System’s selection committee for final consideration.

NOTIFICATION: By late summer of 2017, the Board of Regents will announce the system-wide recipients and each winner will receive a $2,000 stipend, a recognition plaque, and publicity of their honor.

Questions? Contact the TUSC Awards Committee Chair Deniz Erman, derman@towson.edu.