Dr. Debbie Seeberger, Assistant Vice President for Diversity & Inclusion, Office of the Provost, is excited to announce TU’s new Institutional Membership with the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD). The NCFDD provides resources and tools, mentoring, and supportive communities for faculty and graduate students, including:
• Professional development programming that is focused on increasing productivity
• An intense and reliable support network of highly trained and successful mentors
• An independent and confidential “safe space” for brainstorming and problem-solving
NCFDD is an online community that scholars can access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
All faculty and graduate students are encouraged to register and take advantage of the resources and tools available through Towson University’s membership with the NCFDD. Below are instructions for activating your institutional sub-account membership:
1. Visit www.FacultyDiversity.org/Registration.
2. Select Towson University’s name from the list of Institutional Members.
3. After you have created a username and password, on the first page, enter your institution-issued e-mail address (i.e. @towson.edu) to expedite the registration process.
4. Complete the registration process (complete only required fields).
5. You will receive a welcome e-mail within 1-2 business days confirming that your account is active and that you can access the NCFDD resources.
If you have questions regarding TU’s membership with the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity, please contact Debbie Seeberger, Assistant Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion, dseeberger@towson.edu, (410) 704-2360. If you have questions regarding the functionality of NFCDD’s programs, please contact Allison Van Buren, NCFDD Membership Coordinator, Membership@FacultyDiversity.org, (313) 347-8485, ext. 3.