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Blackboard Training Series

Starting on August 9, the new Blackboard Administrator, Katharina Norman, will host an online training series showcasing the most widely-used features of Blackboard. These five sections include:

  • Introduction – get an overview and see what is new in Blackboard.
  • Interactive Tools – learn about available technologies and how to use them for communicating with students.
  • Tests and Assignments – find out how to create, deploy and grade tests and assignments in Blackboard.
  • Grade Center – learn how to set up, customize and maintain grades.
  • Collaborate Ultra Experience – check out how to access your online classroom and utilize your virtual office.

Both new and expert users are welcome to attend.

There will be six video conferencing sessions hosted within a Blackboard course. There’s no prerequisite to attend a section so they can be taken as needed, in any order. More details about specific sections can be found in the OTS Training Workshop Calendar under that section’s description.

The series will span three weeks, with live video sessions every Tuesday and Thursday covering different topics. Digital lesson materials can be found within the course and all video training sessions will be recorded and available to participants to review. The Blackboard Training Course will be available one week before the start of the series and will remain available for two weeks after the series has ended, providing a total of six weeks to view and study training materials. Additional documentation about topics discussed in these sessions can be found at www.towson.edu/blackboard.

Series session dates are August 9 – 25 and September 13 – 29. Faculty and staff can sign up for as many sessions as they like using OTS Training’s Workshop Calendar.

Questions regarding these training sessions can be emailed to Katharina Norman at knorman@towson.edu.

Having issues with Blackboard? Contact our 24/7 support at: (844) 613-0155.

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