Call for papers for a special issue of Computers in the Schools, focusing on Research on One-to-One Learning
The special issue will be edited by Dr. William A. Sadera and Dr. Liyan Song.
One-to-one computing is a learning environment where every learner is provided a personal computing device. There is an increasing number of one-to-one computing initiatives worldwide and the topic is gaining significant attention. However, there is limited consistency in the research findings. Further research needs to be done to better understand the impact and inform practice. Therefore, we invite you to submit a manuscript for consideration of this special issue. Quantitative research, qualitative research, best practice, literature review, meta analysis and position papers are all acceptable. You may contact the editors to discuss the topic/area of your manuscript, if needed.
Submissions can address a variety of issues and aspects of one-to-one learning in education, including:
- Professional development and training;
- Implementation of one-to-one initiative;
- Professional development and training for the one-to-one classroom;
- Pedagogical issues associated with one-to-one learning;
- Social and ethical issues in one-to-one learning;
- Best practices or cases in one-to-one learning;
- Assessment on one-to-one learning;
- Curriculum Standards and one-to-one learning.
- Leadership and administration in one-to-one learning
Deadline for manuscript submission is August 1, 2016
All manuscripts received on or before the submission deadline will be considered for publication. Each submission will go through a rigorous two-stage blind peer review.
Questions about the special issue are welcome and can be sent to
- Manuscripts should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (Sixth Edition), and should include an abstract and 5-10 key words.
- Manuscripts should not exceed 25 pages of double-spaced text including references, title page, abstract, figures, tables, etc, unless the authors obtain advance approval for a longer paper from the special issue editors.
- Tables and graphs should be held to a minimum, and if accepted, authors must supply final drafts in camera-ready format.
- A cover page is required including author’s name, academic title, working address, e-mail address, and telephone number.
Email your manuscript (MS Word files preferred) as an attachment to the editors of the special issue to Questions or inquiries can also be sent to this email address.