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Part-Time & On-Campus Job Fair

Don’t miss out on your chance to instantly generate an applicant pool and jump-start the hiring process for the fall semester by attending the Career Center’s annual Part-Time & On-Campus Job Fair (both on- and off-campus employers will be present).

Part-Time & On-Campus Job Fair
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
University Union, Potomac Lounge

As a part of the first week back to TU, this FREE event will guarantee face-to-face interaction with hundreds of TU students who are motivated and eager to gain on-campus employment. This is a great opportunity to hire students for both your Federal Work Study and regular student employment positions.

You can register now through Hire@TU, the Career Center’s online job and internship database.

  • Log on to Hire@TU, click on the “Career Events” tab, and select “Search”
  • Leave the search fields blank and click “Search”
  • On the search results page, the Part-Time & On-Campus Job Fair will be listed. Click on the event, and from there you can click the “Register Now” button.

Registration is FREE for all on-campus employers. Please register by August 16!

 If you are hiring please remember that all vacant student employment position must also be posted to HIRE@TU (regardless if you are attending the fair). This is a great opportunity to reach 1,000’s of new and returning students who are searching for jobs over the summer.

Please call our front desk at 410-704-2233 for questions regarding this event. We look forward to seeing you on August 30!
