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Staff Members – Vote in the Towson University Staff Council (TUSC) Election!

The Towson University Staff Council (TUSC) election has arrived! From April 4 until April 15, you are encouraged to vote for staff nominated candidates at the following link – TUSC 2016 Election. Log in with your Towson email and password. When you arrive at the TUSC 2016 Elections site, please click Respond to this Survey.

If you have difficulty accessing the system, please email Kay Kazinski at kkazinski@towson.edu.

 What is TUSC?

TUSC is the advocate body for all University staff employees. Through its advisory role with the University President, TUSC seeks to further the prominence of the University by promoting the value and talents of its staff employees. TUSC represents the interests of all staff, all categories, all departments, exempt and non-exempt, full-time and part-time. If you have a concern about parking, pay, benefits or anything else, TUSC works as your liaison between staff and University leadership.

Who are the Candidates?

The candidates below were nominated by you or your staff peers to represent your division or job category. Prior to voting, please take a few moments to review the candidates short biographies below (listed alphabetically):

Towson University Staff Council (TUSC)


David Biglari, BS ’09, MBA ’11 is assistant dean of the College of Business and Economics at Towson University where he supports accreditation maintenance, budget, operations, and strategic initiatives. Prior to coming to Towson, David was a senior digital strategist at Johns Hopkins where he specialized in digital marketing web design, marketing strategy, and crisis communications. An alumnus of the College of Business and Economics as well as the College of Fine Arts and Communications, David is adjunct in both colleges, teaching courses on topics such as public speaking, business communications, and argument and advocacy.

Mary Cowles I started working here at Towson in 2014 in the Center for Professional Practice. I have been working with the Staff Development Committee and I have been enjoying getting to know people from across the campus. I look forward to being able to contribute more toward the campus community.

Barb Czajkowski I have worked at TU since 2000 and since 2007 have proudly represented the University Advancement Division as a member of TUSC.  The council has worked tirelessly and with shared governance on issues including salary increases, furloughs, and yearly performance evaluations to help provide the staff of TU with the best working environment, benefits and compensation.  I would be honored to serve another three year term and work with TUSC to continue their mission.

Shari Grover Shari Groover joined the Office of Alumni Relations under the division of University Advancement as the Executive Administration Assistant in June 2015. She is a non-exempt staff member who brings 5 years of event management and administration experience including four years’ experience with the Office of Conference Services at St. John’s University’s where she received her B.S. degree in Public Relations and Event Management.

Joyce P. Herold Dr. Joyce Herold currently serves as the Coordinator of Off-Campus Student Services assisting in orienting off-campus and commuter students with Towson University and the greater Towson community and preparing them for successful transitions off campus. Dr. Herold has served in both Academic and Student Affairs roles within higher education and also has corporate experience in sales and marketing. She is a proud West Virginia University alum and a devoted wife and mother.

Mary Hickey I came to Towson University in 1991 and have been in the Department of Mass Communication and Communication Studies for sixteen years. I earned a Bachelors and Masters from Towson. A member of TUSC for 7 years and a representative for Council of Systems Staff (CUSS) for 6 years. While representing the staff on our campus I campaigned to have staff represented on Resource Planning Allocation Committee (RPAC) and the University Senate. As a CUSS member I worked with the USMO (University System of Maryland Office) on collecting data on eligibility benefits of part-time employees and the ACA (Affordable Care Act). I would be honored to continue to press and improve the voice to staff employees of TU.

Phyllis May I have been working for Towson University for 9 years. I have been in the Accounts Payable department for two years and prior to that I worked for the PeopleSoft Team. My son is a student at Towson and will be graduating this December. Outside of work, I am a Director of youth clinics at Masters Volleyball Academy and coach at a local high school. In addition, I mentor Towson University volleyball athletes that coach for MVA.

Briana Rostkowski has been a member of the Towson University family for over 9 years, spending most of that time as an Administrative Assistant in the Department of Kinesiology. As a dedicated member of the TU community, she is seeking this opportunity to take a more active role in the continued support and development of the university’s faculty, staff, students, and campus environment. Briana spends most of her free time participating in various creative endeavors and taking course work toward the completion of TU’s Professional Writing M.S. program.

Margot VanDenBerghe I am the Senior Graphic Designer for Art Services. I started working for Art Services as an undergraduate in 2003 before being hired full time in 2005. In my time here at Towson I have really loved collaborating with so many different departments and student groups to develop attractive, successful marketing and promotions to fit their individual needs and the vision of the university. I would love the opportunity to work with more of my fellow colleagues around campus to ensure the strong relationship between staff and the University as a whole.

Cathy Wolf I am a Program Specialist in University Admissions. In my role, I process graduate online applications, guide prospective graduate students through the application process, identify and address ways to improve the graduate student application experience as well as educate students about graduate admission policies and procedures. Additionally, I act as a graduate admission liaison to on-campus departments including the Towson Learning Network (TLN). Prior to working at TU, I spent the majority of my career in the healthcare industry serving various organizations in clinical, administrator, and patient advocacy roles. I hold a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in health science from TU. I very much welcome the opportunity to represent TU staff in support of TUSC’s mission “to promote the value and talents of its employees.” I believe I can contribute to the overall success of the university through my strong desire to advocate for personal, professional, and organizational growth and development.

Cyndi Zile I have worked at Towson University for several different departments for approximately ten years. I currently serve the university as administrator of Business Travel Services. I am interested in participating in TUSC as an opportunity to further expand my knowledge, expertise and service to the community.