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The Big Event: Join the Faculty & Staff Team

This year The Big Event (TBE) is a signature event during the 150th celebration. The Big Event is Towson University’s largest day of community service where TU students give back to the Towson community by helping out local homeowners and non-profits. After six years, Towson University’s Big Event has grown to encompass over 1,400 students and over 100 different project sites. To learn more about The Big Event click here!

This year, it is our hope that we can get faculty and staff involved in the volunteering! The 2016 Big Event will be held on Saturday, April 16th at 9 a.m. To register as a volunteer click here!

Rather have students serve at your house helping raking, mulching, gardening, etc.? Or have a neighbor who may need a hand? Submit a job request form here. Our goal is to stay within 3 miles of campus.