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Call for Proposals: 2016-2017 Diversity Faculty Fellows Program

Towson University’s Diversity Faculty Fellows Program will support the actualization of the university’s vision for diversity by providing selected faculty members with opportunities to infuse diversity into existing curriculum, create models to improve classroom dynamics in support of social justice, or identify strategies to enhance institutional practices. Program outcomes will serve as evidence of the Division of Academic Affairs’ commitment to Towson University’s 2020 Strategic Plan priority to be a model for campus diversity.

TU’s Diversity Faculty Fellows program provides support for TU faculty who are interested in developing or redesigning courses for major or core curriculum, developing curricular practices to support inclusive classroom environments, supporting research and teaching projects, developing pedagogy and research toolkits, and/or identifying the needs of the university or developing models to affect change.

Diversity Faculty Fellow Expectations:

  • Attend monthly workshops during the academic of 2016-2017.
    Implement the newly developed Diversity initiative in the spring of 2017.
  • Provide mentorship to future Diversity Faculty Fellows for an academic year following fellowship.
  • Showcase project in Fall 2017.
  • Assess and evaluate the project.

Selected Faculty Fellows will be awarded a $1,500 stipend for their participation in the program. In addition, Fellows will have an opportunity to apply for an additional $750 to support the implementation of their project.

For more information on the program, contact Elyshia Aseltine at 410.704.5222 or easeltine@towson.edu or Gilda Martinez-Alba at 410.404.2480 or gmartinez@towson.edu

The deadline to submit proposals is March 25, 2016. All applicants will be notified by April 29, 2016. Electronic submission of materials is preferred. Please submit proposals, with appropriate attachments, to Di Mello at the Office of the Provost at dmello@towson.edu.

Selection of Diversity Faculty Fellows will be made by the Diversity Faculty Fellows Review/Advisory Committee: Elyshia Aseltine, Zosha Stuckey, Alex Vigo, Gilda Martinez-Alba, Debbie Seeberger, Maggie Reitz, and Jane Neapolitan.

TU’s Diversity Faculty Fellows is a program of the Office of the Provost, the Division of Academic Affairs and the Office of Academic Innovation in collaboration with TU’s Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity.

For additional information on this program and instructions for submitting a proposal, please visit the Provost’s Office website. The informational document is posted on the right-hand side of the site, below the Office of the Provost navigation column.