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New processes for hiring student employees starting January 2016

As a new year approaches so do new changes to existing guidelines and procedures. In order to create consistency and equity across on-campus student employment opportunities, there will be changes to important documents and processes when it comes to hiring this population.

Starting January 1, 2016, the New Student Hire form distributed through Student Financial Services will include a field requiring a HIRE@TU JOB ID #. Job ID numbers are assigned once a position is created and posted via Hire@TU.

Hire@TU is a searchable online database where students and alumni can search for on-campus jobs as well as full-time, internship, and part-time opportunities. Thousands of employers post their positions on Hire@TU. By using Hire@TU, all Towson students have access to view your job opportunities, allowing you as an employer to reach a vast pool of qualified and motivated students.

To create or access your Hire@TU account, please visit our website for instructions. Once your position(s) has been approved and posted you will have the HIRE@TU JOB ID # to use on the New Student Hire form.

Best practices moving forward in the new year are that all vacant on-campus student employee positions needing to be filled after January 1, 2016 will have to be posted and advertised via the Career Center’s Hire@TU.

Thank you in advance for making this transition smooth. Any questions or concerns can be directed to Katie Woerdeman, Student Employment Coordinator, at kwoerdeman@towson.edu.