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Faculty and Staff Kudos

Librarian Kimberly Miller presented “Beyond Databases: Psychology Information Literacy Across the Curriculum” at the Mid-Atlantic Teaching of Psychology Conference on October 23rd, 2015.

Librarian Carissa Tomlinson coauthored the “Crafting the perfect blend: Student cognitive development theory and threshold concepts for student success” in volume 41, issue 4 of LOEX Quarterly: http://commons.emich.edu/loexquarterly/vol41/iss4/5/

Thomas Roger (Division of Innovation and Applied Research) completed the Essential Skills for Administrative Support Professionals Competency Focus offered by the Office of Human Resources. This mini certificate is offered completely online and is designed to grow your interpersonal (people) skills. Click this link to learn more about competency focus and certificate programs available to all faculty and staff.

 Brian Starkloff (Financial Services) completed the Financial Knowledge Certificate, one of the noncredit certificates offered by the Office of Human Resources. This certificate is designed for faculty and staff who want to learn more about a variety of financial topics. Click this link to learn more about competency focus and certificate programs available to all faculty and staff.

 Adrianne Spann (Parking and Transportation Services) completed the University Business Certificate, one of the noncredit certificates offered by the Office of Human Resources. This certificate is designed for university employees responsible for business functions. Click this link to learn more about competency focus and certificate programs available to all faculty and staff.