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Org Changes within Fiscal Planning & Services, Property Records

Fiscal Planning and Services has changed its name to “Financial Affairs” to reflect recent restructuring and better convey the department’s role within the university. The department will remain responsible for the central university business units of Procurement, Management Advisory and Compliance Services, University Accounting, Financial Services (including Accounts Payable, Payroll, Business Travel, Student Financial Services and the Help Line), Financial Technology and the Bursar’s Office.

As part of the restructuring, the Property Records unit has been realigned with the Procurement Department under Director Lucy Slaich and Associate Director Jeff Sutton. All offices, phone numbers, and email addresses remain the same.

In addition, Cathy Mattern is now the University Comptroller and will continue to provide accounting leadership, guidance, and support to all campus departments while representing the University and directing its Accounting team. Sue Brodie is now the Director of Financial Services and will continue her leadership of the Accounts Payable, Payroll, Student Financial Services, and Business Travel/Working Fund areas while coordinating efforts with State agencies.

Questions related to these changes should be directed to Bob Campbell, Associate Vice President, Financial Affairs, at x4-4862.

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