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Computer Trade-Up Program: New Eligibility Requirements and New Qualifications for Faculty and Staff systems

Towson University makes computer replacements available to current faculty and staff through the Computer Trade-Up Program. Updates on eligibility and qualifications for participating in this program are provided below.

Change in Eligibility Requirements

The university EduCycle Computer Reconditioning Program will now provide upgraded computers to student employees and graduate assistants—they are no longer available through the Computer Trade-Up Program.

New Qualifications for Faculty and Staff Computer Systems

Faculty and staff computers now qualifying for replacement include:

  • Macs purchased in 2011 or earlier
  • Dell OptiPlex 980 desktops
  • Dell Latitude E5X20 and E6X20 laptops
  • Windows computers purchased in 2010 or earlier

The online trade-up wizard reflects the expanded coverage. Over 1,000 computers will now qualify. Demand will exceed available stock so it’s important to enter requests in priority order to ensure the highest needs are addressed first. The Office of Technology Services will continue to fulfill requests in the order in which they are received and as new funding becomes available.

Visit the Computer Trade-Up Program Web page for in-depth information about the program, including qualifying and disqualifying criteria, and to submit requests. If you have questions, please contact Julie Leary at jleary@towson.edu.

