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The Redoubtable Dons’ Fall 15 Schedule

The Dons, now in their 26th year, are a cross-disciplinary gathering of faculty who share scholarly interests or works in progress in a non-specialized way with academics from accounting to zoology.  Our hope is to make our large campus smaller and its collegiality stronger.  You’re welcome to attend any or all of the Fall talks listed below, and welcome to volunteer to give a talk yourself.  Every Towson professor is a member of the Dons; you need only attend once to activate your membership.

All meetings this semester begin at 3:30pm in the College of Liberal Arts building, room 4331, after which the group moves to the University Club at the TU Marriott where a good bar combines bracing spirits with spirited talk:

Friday, October 16 – Jack Fruchtman, Political Science, presents his sabbatical talk on “Revising the United States Constitution”

Friday, November 20 – Ryan King-White, Kinesiology, presents “Follow(ing) the Money: The Rise of Towson Athletics”

Friday, December 4 – Miho Iwata, Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice, presents “The Racial Landscape in Japan.”

For more information, contact George Hahn, English Department, at 410-704-5198 or ghahn@towson.edu.