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Faculty and Staff Kudos

Dave Belz (English) read his satirical essay, “Thank You in Advance,” at the CityLit tent at the Baltimore Book Festival at the Inner Harbor on September 25.

Salvatore Pappalardo (English) talked at the Johns Hopkins Club on September 16.  His presentation was titled “Sicily: Crossroads of Mediterranean Cultures.”

Carol Pippen (English) is advising the cast of Center Stage’s production of Pride and Prejudice on Austen, her times, and  the novel.

Lana Portolano’s (English) PRWR 617 (Editing) is producing Amid the Roar: A Towson Alumni Anthology as a gift to the TU community for its 150th birthday.  The 200- to-250-page book will include works by fifteen to twenty well-published Tiger alums.  Aiming for a December 10 release by the student-run Patapsco Valley Press that Lana manages, the book will showcase notable alumni writers, link current students with them, and be a lasting centerpiece well beyond the sesquicentennial.

Carol Quinn’s (English) essay, “Of Sonnets, Deer, and Media Saturation,” appeared as a commentary  in 32 Poems on September 14.

Diane Scharper’s (English) review of Maria Alvar’s debut short story collection, “In the Country,” ran in America magazine on September 14.