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Sabbatical Presentation: Marty Freedman, Department of Accounting

Marty Freedman, Ph.D., Department of Accounting, will give a sabbatical presentation at 10 a.m. on Friday, May 8 in Stephens Hall, room 106 as part of the College of Business and Economics’ annual Development and Research Conference.


“The European Union’s Country, Industry and Company Greenhouse Gas Emissions that Resulted from Implementing the Kyoto Protocol”

The European Union agreed to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to ninety-two percent of their 1990 emissions by 2012. In order to affect this reduction they set up a system of cap-and-trade. Nine specific industries and one general industry were targeted by this system. In this study we  examined how effective this system was in achieving the emission goal. We examined the issue from the  perspectives of the country, the industries and the companies targeted by the cap-and-trade system. Overall we concluded that the goal was achieved, but how much the cap-and-trade system contributed  to this result is not clear.