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Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum: Meeting Announcement!

Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum: Meeting Announcement
Topic: New Age Vendor Directions and Their Implications
Date: March 19, 2015
Location: Towson University

Please join CIO members of the Mid-Atlantic Forum and their invited guests at this March 19th Forum! The topic is “New Age Vendor Directions and Their Implications”. The competition between Google and Microsoft continues. Where will Office, Email, and other key Apps come from, reside? Offerings and support from the mobile worker/user seem to be driving profits. Others like Cisco and Amazon also are positioned to compete in this new world, in this new age. What are the impacts for our companies and implications for company plans and its business operations?

First Jim DesPres, “Google for Work” Head of Sales for the Southeast, will present how Google has become a disruptive fore in enterprise Cloud Computing and share Google’s near term plans to continue driving innovation in this space. Google is disrupting the traditional enterprise market by offering:
•         Cloud Platform IaaS and PaaS
•         Collaboration and Social Tools with their Drive for Work SaaS applications
•         Mobile Productivity with Android and Google Now

Jim will discuss examples of how large enterprises are leveraging Google’s Cloud solutions and gaining competitive advantage in their respective industries.

Then Carl De Groote, Cisco’s Senior Director for their US Public Sector Architectures will provide Cisco’s view of what we as CIOs must be considering and planning for our businesses. Carl will share Cisco’s view of the evolution of IT and technology in support of our companies and their operations over the next five years, and how Cisco intends to be able to support and partner now and as we transition into this new age. Carl will share how Cloud Services, including Cisco’s Unified Computing Services (UCS), and other current/coming technologies could and should be leveraged to compete in the future digitized business world and with the demanding mobile ever-connected consumer. These consumers are driving our profits.

The meeting starts at 8AM and ends by 1PM. Brunch and lunch are provided. Pre-registration is required. Meeting logistics including agenda, directions to the meeting place and parking information will be emailed to you after you register. For registration for this meeting, please reply to the meeting request send out by Bonnie Lawson or contact her at blawson@towson.edu or 410-704-4252.