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Project Towson: Reimagining & Transforming

“Inspiring and Encouraging Agents of Change”

Thursday, April 23, 2015 – 4-8pm, West Village Ballrooms

Attention visionaries! How would you like to transform Towson University and the surrounding community?  Project Towson is a symposium for the community’s most innovative change-makers. This is a “mix-tape” platform determined to reimagine what our community can become—but with a competitive edge. The winner of this competition will get the opportunity to put their plan into action!

Our flexible format will task Towson faculty, staff, students, and community members to share distinctive ideas and action plans to reimagine and transform the Towson Community. The presentations will be in a variety of formats, from a traditional presentation to a short film or an art project highlighting an important subject.  Presenters may cover a wide range of topics, from social justice to sustainability to applied research.  The common element between the presentations will be a clear vision for transforming the Towson community.

All we ask is that each presentation has three components:

  1. a compelling concept,
  2. an action plan, and
  3. can be shared in under 20 minutes.

The ideal topic is inspiring and future-oriented, with relatable subject-matter for a broad audience. This experience will provide the Towson community with a special opportunity to hear unique ideas conveyed it in a dynamic way that will inspire others to action. So…what are you waiting for?

Apply online at www.projecttowson.com. The application deadline is March 13th.

Sponsored by The Office of Civic Engagement & Leadership, Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity, and the Student Government Association.