TU home | T3 | Benefits Bulletin: Spring 2015 Tuition Remission Form Deadlines and Restrictions

Benefits Bulletin: Spring 2015 Tuition Remission Form Deadlines and Restrictions

The deadline for accepting spring 2015 tuition remission forms for employees or dependents who are attending TU has passed.  If you submit a form to the OHR at this time, you must include a letter stating why the form was submitted after the established deadline.  All other University System of Maryland  campuses deadlines have also passed, except for University of Maryland, Baltimore (2/16/15), University of Maryland College Park (2/20/15), and University of Maryland Eastern Shore (3/27/15).  All institutions require that you submit a letter stating why the form was not submitted by the deadline.

The USM publishes a chart of tuition remission deadlines and restrictions of all schools in the system, plus Morgan, St. Mary’s and BCCC. The chart is published three times per year:  spring, summer, and fall.  The chart is posted on the OHR website.

Please refer to this chart should you have any questions regarding the deadlines.
