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Coffee with a Cop

Join the Towson University Police Department for “Coffee with a Cop” as we offer basic crime prevention reminders while serving FREE coffee, tea and donuts. This will help keep you safe and vigilant while studying for finals. The event will be held on the second floor of the University Union from 9 to 11 a.m. […]

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Wondering what options you have with your major? The Career Center is here to help

Did you know that the Career Center has a webpage dedicated to every major on campus? Do you need help deciding what career path you can pursue with your degree? Unleash your passion for your field of study and figure out next steps to achieving your career goals with the Career Center’s Resources by Major […]

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Regular Faculty and Staff Timesheets Due Today!

Timesheets for the May 9 through May 22 pay period are due by 10 a.m. today, because of the upcoming Memorial Day holiday closing. Please use the electronic Web timesheet program to complete and approve timesheets for the pay period in order to meet the early deadline. It is extremely important that BOTH the employee […]

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Discount for TU Faculty/Staff for Maryland Writing Project Summer Student Writers Camps

Maryland Writing Project is pleased to announce its Student Writers Camp for Summer 2018! The Student Writers Camp is a creative writing workshop for students entering grades 3-12 who enjoy writing. Participants will have the opportunity to Work on their choice of writing projects Be introduced to different forms of creative writing Receive constructive feedback […]

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TU Staff Development Staff Conference: SERVICE PROJECT

Towson University Staff Development Conference: May 30, 2018 8am-4pm Service Project: “Help Fill Our Pantry!” The Staff Development Conference Committee has joined with Campus Ministries, the Military & Veterans Center, and various student groups to help fill our on campus pantry by donating food and personal items for faculty, staff and students in need. Beginning […]

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MCC Career Fair – June 1

The 2018 MCC Career Fair will be held TODAY, Friday, June 1 from 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). TU students and alumni will have the opportunity to network with more than 100 employers from various industries including government, private, and non-profit sectors. Employers from various local, regional, and […]

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S.T.E.M. into Knowledge with Drop-in Faculty Tutoring

The Academic Achievement Center will have drop-in S.T.E.M. tutoring for select biology, chemistry and math courses led by TU faculty Wednesday, May 16th through Friday, May 18th, in the Cook Library, Room 524. For specific courses and schedules, please visit: http://www.towson.edu/aac/services/tutoring/index.html Remember to “study smarter, not harder!” If you have additional questions, please feel free […]

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Friday, May 18th at 1PM Thesis Defense: “Investigating the role of PcpA as a protein on Streptococcus pneumoniae that may be degraded by neutrophil serine proteases”

Thesis Defense for Rachel Lent Student: Rachel Lent Date:  Friday, May 18th at 1PM Room: SM289 Title:   “Investigating the role of PcpA as a protein on Streptococcus pneumoniae that may be degraded by neutrophil serine proteases”

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Notice Coming to Medicare-Eligible Retirees – Change to Retiree Prescription Drug Coverage

This month, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) will mail a notice to all Medicare-eligible retirees about a change to the prescription drug coverage, which is effective January 1, 2019.   DBM also has information on their website about the change. If you have any questions, please call DBM at 410-767-4775.

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Please join us for a Service-Learning workshop with Dr. Barbara Jacoby on June 12th at Towson University! Dr. Barbara Jacoby will be presenting two half day workshops around service-learning and what faculty need to know. The morning session “Getting Started with Service-Learning” is an introduction to service-learning and its components. During the afternoon session, “Service-Learning […]

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Welcome Vasu Bhatt as Director of the MACS Department

The Division of Administration and Finance is pleased to announce Mr. Vasu Bhatt as the Director of the Management Advisory and Compliance Services (MACS) Department. Vasu brings over 15 years of experience in Accounting and Auditing, including 10 years with the Maryland State Police and most recently here at TU. He has vast experience in […]

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IRB Standard Review Applications Due TODAY

IRB Applications for Standard Review are due TODAY. Please plan ahead to make sure you get your application(s) in on time. All applications will be submitted to the IRB today, and should expect comments within 3 weeks. Please visit the IRB website to determine which type of review (Accelerated or Standard) your research qualifies for to verify […]

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“Unearthing Masculinity” Workshop – June 8th

We are tackling the topic of masculinity during Men’s Health Month. Vincent E. Thomas, Artistic Director of VTDance (www.vtdance.org) facilitates this physically engaging workshop in which individuals will explore verbal conversations and physical conversations around the topic of Masculinity. What is it? What is it not? How did you learn about it or come to know it? What […]

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Free Wellness Coaching For Medical Plan Participants!

Faculty, staff, and dependents over the age of 18, enrolled in one of the State of Maryland medical plans, are eligible for free wellness coaching. For more information, watch make the call and call your health plan today! CareFirst: 800-783-4582 (option 6) Kaiser Permanente: 866-862-4295 United Healthcare: 800-478-1057 Take advantage of one of the great […]

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Friday May 18th at 1pm Sabbatical talk with Dr. Gail Kaplan: “Innovative Approaches to Promote Student Success in AP Calculus”

Dr. Gail Kaplan, Professor in the Department of Mathematics in the Fisher College of Science and Mathematics, will present her sabbatical talk “Innovative Approaches to Promote Student Success in AP Calculus”, on Friday May 18th at 1pm in the York 7800 building, room YR 320.  Abstract: Attendees will hear about opportunities to stimulate student success in AP […]

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Apply to be a Service-Learning Faculty Fellow

Have you thought about implementing a service-learning component into one of your courses? Not sure how to start? Apply for the Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Program! The Service-Learning Faculty Fellows program provides support for TU faculty interested in creating a new service-learning course or incorporating a new, significant service learning component into an existing course. Faculty […]

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TU Seniors – Update Your Handshake Profile to Enhance Your Job Search Today!

Did you know – employers are more likely to view your Handshake profile when it is 100% complete? Update your profile with current and past work experiences, volunteer opportunities, skills, student organizations, relevant coursework, and more to have a greater chance at finding a job! When you customize your account, your search becomes more personalized, […]

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Save time with Outlook Templates

Don’t waste time copying and pasting email content from your “sent” folder, use Outlook Templates instead. This episode of Computer Therapy walks you through the entire process and will have you working more efficiently in no time. Do you have an idea for a future episode of Computer Therapy? Send your idea to computertherapy@towson.edu and we will […]

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Thesis Defense: “Investigating the role of PcpA as a protein on Streptococcus pneumoniae that may be degraded by neutrophil serine proteases”

Thesis Defense for Rachel Lent Student: Rachel Lent Date:  Friday, May 18th at 1PM Room: SM289 Title:   “Investigating the role of PcpA as a protein on Streptococcus pneumoniae that may be degraded by neutrophil serine proteases”

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Launch into Success with S.T.E.M. Faculty Tutoring

The Academic Achievement Center will have drop-in S.T.E.M. tutoring for select biology, chemistry and math courses led by TU faculty Wednesday, May 16th through Friday, May 18th, in the Cook Library, Room 524. For specific courses and schedules, please visit: http://www.towson.edu/aac/services/tutoring/index.html Remember to “study smarter, not harder!” If you have additional questions, please feel free […]

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