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Coffee and Donuts in the CLA.

The College Democrats will be selling coffee and Dunkin Donuts today for $1 each, starting at 8am in the CLA Lobby on the second floor.

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Have you ordered your absentee ballot yet?

The election is fast approaching, so stop by the Liberal Arts Building Lobby on the 2nd floor and order your absentee ballot today! Members of the College Democrats will be there all day to assist you with the quick and simple process of requesting your absentee ballot.

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Dunkin Donuts and Coffee Today!

College Democrats will be selling Dunkin Donuts and Coffee in the College of Liberal Arts Building from 7:45 a.m. until noon. All items are just $1.

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Dunkin Donuts and Coffee in CLA this morning

The College Democrats will be selling Dunkin Donuts and coffee in the College of Liberal Arts Building from 7:45 a.m. until noon. All items are just $1.  

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Dunkin Donuts and Coffee

The College Demcrats will be selling Dunkin Donuts and coffee for $1 each on the second floor lobby of the Liberal Arts Building. We will be there from 9am until noon today.

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