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TUSC Brown Bag: Teamwork Through Tinkertoys

Please join the Towson University Staff Council (TUSC) in experiencing Dan Leonard?s team building exercise, “Teamwork Through Tinkertoys.” At this interactive brown bag, teams will build a Tinkertoy structure using specific guidelines. The catch is that each team has to construct their ?jaw-dropping? structure within a limited time! Participants will work together and use their combined organizational and creative skills to complete the project.

This hands-on exercise emphasizes the importance of quality planning, the value of effective communication, and the real benefits of working together. A collaborative approach is a big part of our quality improvement journey. Teamwork Through Tinkertoys allows us to practice and demonstrate collaboration and teamwork through a fun learning experience.

Dan Leonard is the Director of the President?s Leadership Institute, the Assistant to the President for Special Projects, and the University’s Fair Practices Officer.

Date: January 22, 2009
Time: noon ? 1 p.m.
Location: Administration Building, Room 424

Please RSVP by January 20 to {tusc@towson.edu} with the name of the event and your name and department. Lunch will not be provided, but please feel free to bring your own. Also, don?t forget to bring your TUSC cards to get a stamp and another chance to win a prize at the end of the fiscal year. For more information on TUSC, please visit our Web site at {www.towson.edu/tusc}.

The next TUSC Brown Bag, Retirement Planning with Gail Price from Human Resources, will be held February 19. Stay tuned to the Daily Digest for details.