TU home | T3 | Consent is Sexy! Win prizes by answering questions about consent, sexual assault and preventing gender violence.

Consent is Sexy! Win prizes by answering questions about consent, sexual assault and preventing gender violence.

Have some free time on campus? Make good use of it and stop by “Consent is Sexy!” for a spin on our TRIVIA WHEEL or a go at constructing our Continuum of Consent!

Win “CONSENT IS SEXY” t-shirts, condoms and safe sex packets. . . . .all while learning more about sexual assault, consent and preventing gender violence.

Mon, Sep. 19, 11am-2pm, Union 2nd Floor Lobby
Tue , Sep. 20, 5-7pm, Glen Dining
Wed, Sep. 21, 11am-2pm, Union 2nd Floor Lobby
Thur, Sep. 22, 5-7pm, West Village Dining

For more information, contact Zach Kosinski at {zkosin1@students.towson.edu} or call the Counseling Center at (410) 704-2512.